Kwanzaa Now Campaign wants you, your family and friends to help us encourage founding director, Lonnie G. Bunch, III to give Kwanzaa it’s rightfully earned place in the National Museum of African American History and Culture. By doing so, Mr. Bunch will build and protect the integrity of the museum and Kwanzaa.
Complete at least one petition with family and friends’ signatures. Send a copy of the petition to the museum ( and a copy to the Kwanzaa Now Campaign ( or mail to Don Freeman / Kwanzaa Now Campaign, P.O. Box 9635, 4005 Wisconsin Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20016).
2. Send your contacts (email & social media) the petition document, with a personal note asking them to complete at least one petition.
3. Organizations and groups can support Kwanzaa Now Campaign or organize their own campaign of support. Those creating their own campaign should forward copies of their completed petitions to Kwanzaa Now Campaign. We want to document and give credit to their organization/group work.
4. This is an open People’s Campaign for Kwanzaa, meaning you can support in the manner that is best for you (individual or organization/group). Your support can be calls to the museum, petitions, emails, face to face when visiting the museum, etc., however, we recommend you let us know about your support.
Take Action Suggestions and Materials
Downloadable Take Action Support
Kwanzaa Stamp Email Drive: the easiest thing you can do now, in less than 15 minutes.
Kwanzaa Exhibit Petition Drive: support the petition drive individually or with your group/organization.
NMAAHC Suggestion Form: request a Kwanzaa exhibit with the museum’s suggestion form, as a rule the museum will document your request and reply to you. You can: 1. Print the forum, 2 complete the it with a request for a Kwanzaa exhibit, and 3. Email the scan (or take a picture of it with your phone) copy to and (also copy
Downloadable Educational Material
- KNC Frequent Questions & Answers
Public Report Back: detail report of KNC meeting with the museum
An Appropriate Kwanzaa Exhibit: what is an appropriate Kwanzaa exhibit for NMAAHC
Organizations and groups can support Kwanzaa Now Campaign or organize their own campaign of support. Those creating their own campaign should forward copies of their completed petitions to Kwanzaa Now Campaign. We want to document and give credit to their organization/group work.
You may demonstrate your support of this endeavor by directing your petitions, emails and calls to:
Mr. Lonnie G. Bunch, III
Founding Director, NMAAHC,
1400 Constitution Ave NW,
Washington, DC 20560
Complete at least one petition with family and friends’ signatures. Send a copy of the petition to the museum ( and a copy to the Kwanzaa Now Campaign ( or mail to Don Freeman / Kwanzaa Now Campaign, P.O. Box 41015, Washington, DC 20018)